Rigid (12-13 tonne)

Rigid (12-13 tonne)

Truck & Dog (32-33 tonne)

Truck & Dog (32-33 tonne)

Delivery/pick-up options


You can come pick up the material yourself at the quarry, which we call ex-bin. You may need to be inducted and will have to follow the site rules. Unfortunately due to the size of our machinery and WH&S requirements we cannot load box trailers. Please give us a call on (02) 49 307 422 for any more information, or come into the weighbridge on site.

🦺 - Hi vis required on site

🥾 - Closed shoes required on site


A Rigid delivery (aka Bogey) carries 12-13 tonne of material. A rigid truck is about 10 metres long and has a GVM of roughly 23 tonnes. It is shorter and lighter than a truck and dog, which gives greater accessibility to different sites. It is still a heavy vehicle, so site access and conditions still need to be considered.


A Truck & Dog delivery carries 32-33 tonne of material. A truck and dog is typically 20 metres long and has a GVM of 50 tonnes. Consideration of site access (ie load limit bridges), and well as site conditions (suitable turn around area and surface moisture) is needed for this delivery option.